A call for Kelcourse – Letter to the Editor

To the editor:

The only consistent thing you can say about my voting record is that it has been extremely inconsistent. I have voted for Republicans, Democrats and Independents in elections over the past 29 years. My criteria are somewhat simple. I vote for the person I believe will represent my city, district, state and country to the best of their ability at that particular time.

I am supporting Jim Kelcourse for state representative of the First Essex District, which includes Newburyport, Amesbury and Salisbury. My reasons are fairly simple and have little to do with politics. He is the best man for the job for our district, period. He has shown throughout this campaign that he is the hardest-working man in this race, and I believe that his work ethic will carry on through his tenure at the Statehouse.

My other reason is also fairly simple: Jim returned my phone call when I had a question on an issue concerning his platform and I enjoyed speaking with him regarding various concerns within our district. I feel the highest duty of the representatives of our local government is to listen and be engaged with all of their constituents within each of our three communities and not just the ones that subscribe to their particular party or special interest group. I want my state representative to lead by showing he has the fortitude to do what is best for his constituents and not what his party advises him to do. James Kelcourse is that candidate.

As a father, I believe Jim Kelcourse has the right ideas regarding appropriating more money for the schools in our communities; as a small business owner, I believe he has the right ideas on implementing economic development in our district; and as a voter, I believe he has proven that he has the right attitude on constituent services.

If you don’t believe me, call him — he will call you back.

Paul C. O’Brien


via: The Newburyport Daily News

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