To the editor:
I’ve known Rep. Jim Kelcourse for a few years now. Since he’s been elected as our rep, what is most noticeable to me is that he has brought home the bacon for our three towns. He works tirelessly. He is everywhere that he’s supposed to be. He doesn’t just phone it in, he actually gives his time and energy every single day to making our communities better. He is a bipartisan politician, which is exactly what we need.
On a personal level I was having great difficulty with vital utility services for my business. With nowhere else to turn, I called Rep. Kelcourse’s office for help. Within 24 hours I was called by the public utility and was scheduled. I couldn’t believe how quickly the matter was resolved. A utility worker actually asked one of my workers, “Who do you guys know?” Jim Kelcourse stepped in to help me, one constituent, with a very serious problem. My bet is that he’ll help you too if you need it.
We’re fortunate to have a rep such as Jim. Let’s support him by electing him for another term.
Mark Audette
Source: Newburyport Daily News